Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day Twelve: The Encourager

Before You Begin:  Acts 9:26-31

Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem
When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. But Barnabus took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord. He talked and debated with Hellenistic Jews, but they tried to kill him. When the believers learned of this, they took him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus.
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
Stop and Consider: But Barnabus took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.
Questions Asked of Me: Who are some of the people that have been particularly encouraging to you at times when you were down, lonely, or just plain out of sorts? How did their encouragement help you?
Without question it would be my mom, DeAnne, and Lynnette. These women have been there through it all. Okay; maybe DeAnne first, then getting the courage to let mom in on all that I was going through, and then Lynnette.
DeAnne was the probation officer early on that knew what I needed and the only thing to get me through it; in Jesus, but she couldn’t say a word until I was ready. Even when she wasn’t able to talk about Him, she was there encouraging me and showing me what was possible if I was open to change and humbling myself. I soon realized it was harder than I thought.
DeAnne actually encouraged me to reach out to my mother and begin communication with her again. I am certain now, looking back, that she knew of my mom’s relationship with Jesus and she could pick up where she was unable to, in directing me to the one person that I could put all of my trust and hopes in….Him. DeAnne and my mom actually began talking with each other this time last year too despite living 2500 miles apart.
My mom was the one who encouraged me…along with my dad, to seek Him. If I really wanted to change my life and truly get on the right path, I couldn’t do it alone. I told her I wasn’t on my own, I now had her and my dad to help me in making better decisions. I had my husband Robbe and I had better friends that wanted to see better things from me. She said it wasn’t enough. None of the things I mentioned would be enough…. without Him.
She was there for me in the hardest times I ever had to go through and even though she has never told me, I am sure that she had to stick up for me just like Barnabus had to stick up for Paul.
Then there is Lynnette. My Barnabus for sure; perhaps even in her own household, although she would never tell me. She was the most surprising of friendships found in my first bible study at my new church. Without question or hesitation she looked beyond my past and embraced me as a friend she knew that Jesus called me to be; even if I didn’t have a clue and her husband was probably a bit “iffy” about too.
She helped me to find inner strength I didn’t know I had. She encouraged me most last summer when she knew I would be speaking to people that most would shy away from. She knew I was going to be ministering to women that didn’t seek Jesus and probably even blamed Him for the situations they now found themselves in. I was scared and I was feeling less than worthy to do what I knew Jesus was calling me to do. Her response…. “You may be the only Jesus they see. You can do it….even if you don’t think you can.” Those words have stuck with me ever since in many different scenarios. When I don’t think I can make a difference in being a messenger for Him, she reminds me that I can because He tells me so.
How could you be an encouragement to some of the believers you know, those who are feeling weary or misunderstood?
I hope that I can do that by writing this blog. Even though sometimes, I wonder if anyone reads it. I want to be a Cheerleader for Jesus by writing for Him, sewing for Him, speaking for Him, and learning and sharing for Him. I want to tell those that are feeling weary and misunderstood that I’ve been there. He found me at my worst and turned my life around. Even when He asked more of me than I thought I could muster; I was obedient and followed Him, hoping to figure it out sooner rather than later. It is not only possible with Jesus but guaranteed. Being transparent for His glory was not something I thought I could do and when it was put in front of me…. I did it; surprising us both.
I don’t want others to feel they can’t write or speak in front of hundreds so giving Him the trust and glory is not for them. I want them to be encouraged that because He gives me strength and courage, through my bad days and good….they too, can benefit from what Jesus does in, through, and for me.
Detour: We visited a new church today. We are happy with the church that my husband has been attending for the last six months and I have been to twice in two weeks but there was something missing; the “getting connected” opportunities. The church we attended today just happens to be down the road and has small groups as well as a variety of bible studies to choose from. I was happy to learn that one of the studies is one I missed at my church last summer when I was in California; so I signed up for that straight away.
I definitely could have used some encouragement on the way home today as we now have a clear dilemma. Where are Lynnette, DeAnne, and mommy now?
We walked into the church this morning and were welcomed by Women’s Ministries and then Small Groups. We were immediately introduced around to pastors, ushers, and bible study leaders. They were so darn friendly. The service was smaller than we are used to but the message was right where we were at. We even got to sit in our same row back from the stage, right in the center, as if Jesus saved us a seat.
Of course He did.
The pastor spoke of the Young Rich Ruler found in the parable in Mark 10. I didn’t relate to this parable; not having the treasures to be pulled from but I did relate to him especially when He asked Jesus “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” I know that I can’t be good enough or do enough to get into Heaven on my own merit BUT the relative part to me in this statement was asking a question, merely to get the answer and go about my day….just doing whatever I was asked to do.
I did exactly that after church today when I called my daddy. I was looking for advice on which church to attend. I wanted him to give me the answer and encourage me in the decision being made for me. Instead…. We talked about it a bit and then he said it was a decision my husband and I would have to talk about and get on our knees and pray about it.
I found myself, just like the Young Rich Ruler, not liking what was told to me but wanting my “quick fix;” someone who would just tell me what I had to do and move on. I am certain that no matter where Jesus tells us is “our” church, us attending the service today and me calling daddy, were not unintentional.
1.    To inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence
2.    To stimulate by assistance, approval, etc.
3.    To promote, advance, or foster.
I hope to inspire with courage and confidence but know that I need to be filled by Jesus more than just one day a week in order to do that; for others, and for myself.
I want to stimulate by offering assistance and approval to those that Jesus puts in front of me. How many will I truly get to reach at the larger church when there are no opportunities to interact with others in the congregation?
I need to promote and advance others to a better, stronger relationship with Jesus. Will those opportunities be available to me in a church I love on Sundays but have no interaction with anyone during the week?
Talk about the ultimate encourager….. I think Jesus may have helped me answer my own question in just putting “fingers to keyboard”. Even though a smaller church is not my comfort level….is this about me? NO. This is about Him working in me, through me, and around me. It is NOT about me. Despite our comfort level in a larger church setting and sitting with 3,000 of our closest friends during a service, He knows I need the interaction with others on a more personal level. Just as He knows I need the intimacy of our devotion time together via this blog, our coffee and study time, and prayer.
Praying God’s Word Today: God of endurance and encouragement, I thank You for granting us agreement with other believers so that we may glorify You, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, with a unified mind and voice (Rom. 15:5-6). With this in mind, open my eyes to new opportunities to encourage others daily, while it is still called today, so that none of us will be hardened by sin’s deception. For we have truly become companions of Christ if we hold firmly until the end the reality that we had at the start (Heb. 3:13-14). Make me an encourager!
            Romans 15:5-6
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
            Hebrews 3:13-14
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.

Dear Jesus:
Thank you so much for those encouragers that you have brought, and continue to bring, into my life. Please open my eyes more to the opportunities put before me to encourage others. Confirm with me this week that a change of church to better serve you is what you are asking of me. Show me that the decision to change to a smaller church with better connections is what you want from me; letting me know that you want me to step further out of my comfort zone of the “mega church” into a more intimate, healthy church that lives for You and has already begun to encourage and welcome us to their family. Thank you for my daddy that doesn’t just give me the answers but directs me to You to help me figure out what You think is best for me. I appreciate the encouragers in my life in all capacities and promise to continue to encourage others, especially those that feel weary and misunderstood; only You know just how weary and misunderstood I felt when You found me.


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