Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day Fifteen: Lost and Found

When it comes to Jesus; and the bible in general, there are many examples of the lost and the found; my favorite of course, being the story of the Lost Son. I strayed….for longer than I care to admit, doing things I’d rather forget; but He doesn’t let me. He has a plan for me and if I were to forget those things that He has gotten me through, I wouldn’t be able to fulfill his purpose for me in helping others that are just as lost as I was. I love this story for so many relatable reasons. The father representing God to all of us, his children but it also has a very literal meaning for me since my parents prayed and waited for me to come home in a very real way, somehow patiently waiting for twelve years. I am also blessed to be the parent in this scenario, having “lost” children of my own; thinking about them always and praying about them incessantly. Even if they don’t believe in Him, I do…and I know that my faith is just as strong as my parents although I hope I don’t have to wait as long…only He knows for sure.
Another obvious story that comes to mind is the parable of the Lost Sheep. A shepherd going after one of his flock that strayed instead of being satisfied with the 99 that are left; finding him and being thankful for his return; just as Jesus is more excited to get one of us back than to have the others stay and do the right thing all along. It is a promise He made and I love the idea of a party in heaven when we figure things out, return to the flock, and seek Him.
Today was a weigh in day on this great journey of “Made to Crave”. I lost 1.2 pounds, and while I was happy for the scale to be moving in the right direction, I was elated at what I found this week….being worth more to me than a number on a scale. I found insight into scriptures I had read a dozen times before. I found confidence in knowing I was sticking to the program. I found even more quiet time with my Cardboard Jesus. I found purpose and encouragement from my blogs. I found affirmation of why my best friend is my best friend.
I lost more than a little weight today. I lost my bank card. But…somehow, I did not lose my cool but prayed and found patience instead. Jesus was definitely at work there. I went to the gym, did my thirty minutes, weighed in, and then was going to go to the store with Lynnette. Just before walking out the door, I decided I needed to make sure my list was together and money / bank card was all present and accounted for…it was not. I stopped and thought: “Think back. Retrace your steps. Where did you use it last? When did you use it last?” YIKES here it is Wednesday and I hadn't used it since coffee before church on MONDAY NIGHT. I searched pockets and purses, datebooks and notebooks, and even looked under the seats of the car to no avail. I looked again. It was lost. I called the coffeehouse, certain it was left behind or found by someone and returned. (Apparently I wasn’t the only one in a state of “uh oh, I lost my bank card” because they told me they “still” didn’t find it and hadn’t seen it since the first time I called.) Called the church in the event someone returned it after my training meeting... nothing.

Darn it.
I prayed for patience. I prayed in faith that He would figure it out. After five minutes of “Well, now what are you going to do?” I found common sense. Called the bank to reissue and cancel, with promises to arrive by Friday. But what would I do until then? Hubby out of town, bills to be paid, groceries to be bought, and a very important payment that had to be mailed and in someone’s hands by Friday. <gulp>  Any other time, a lag of a couple of days wouldn’t matter but the VIP payment could not be postponed.
While on hold with the bank, I received a text from that best friend I mentioned above. I was to call her ASAP. As I was holding with the bank on my cell phone, I picked up the home phone and dialed as quickly as I could, wondering what else could go wrong today.
Flashback to Lysa’s devotion today saying that  “Life as a Christ follower will always be a learning process of depending less on our own strength and more on God’s power.”
“The testing of your faith develops perseverance, and perseverance must finish its work so that you may mature, complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:3-4
I had to interject her words and James’ quote there because what happened next was completely His will and just another reason why I am so thankful for the people that Jesus puts in my life.
I called her, expecting to hear that something was now amiss with her at home too. She knew of my dilemma and didn’t freak out or make a fuss, which is probably one of the reasons I was able to remain as calm as I was….not a fun situation. But I digress. She told me simply “I have money. I have cash.” What?? She said again “I have money. I have cash… for you. I went to the bank to get money for you to take care of what you need until you get your bank card.”
I was at a loss for words. At that moment, He was testing my faith and I didn’t have to wait long at all for him to prove to me what an awesome God he is and what an awesome friend he has given to me. I had faith and my friend did the footwork, without hesitation, without a request, without a doubt.
James said: “….so that you may mature, complete, not lacking anything.”
I imagined how this scenario would have played out before Jesus and it wasn’t pretty; but there really is something to this living by faith and footwork. I do feel “mature, complete, and not lacking anything.” Not only am I not lacking anything, I am living abundantly and have more than I could ask for.
In my PJ Era (Pre Jesus)…not lacking anything meant having 5 pairs of shoes, exact same style, one pair of every color they came in. To put this into perspective now…. I have 10 pairs of shoes… TWO pair of EVERY color they come in.
I lost 1.2 pounds today but I found so much more.

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